When one is about to partake in becoming themselves in an overly intoxicated state.
"Aye ma nigga, we bouts to go get Baja Blasted tonight or what?"
"Brooo, I'm baja blasted as fuck right now!"
"This acid got me fuckin BAJA BLASTED!!!! BRO!"
"Bro, this , bro, bro listen, bro, I'm, bro no listen, bro I'm bro I'm baja blasted ok? Tell Janet to walk! You got tree fitty?"
by RealNigga2000 August 23, 2018
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When you receive a blowjob from someone who has Mountain Dew Baja Blast in their mouth, when you cum you have Baja Blasted
Guy: Can we try Baja Blasting?
Girl: I've been waiting for you to ask that question!
by Loezock April 22, 2016
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When you escape your prison at home leaving your kids behind to go to taco bell and do a huge blast of heroin while nodding and waiting for your baja blast.
The soccer mom in the minivan is nodding out. She was definitely baja blasting.
by CeeJayBee1981 September 21, 2020
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To beef while skateboarding so hard it causes you to lose your job.
homicide was doing some sick flips on his way to work, but he baja blasted himself into the unemployment office. Taco Bell doesn't care if you have a concussion, you're still a half hour late to your shift.
by .tee. April 2, 2014
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“Dude why is Darwin’s eyes so bloodshot?”

“You know Darwin; he’s Baja Blasted”
by DeGingaNinja December 31, 2020
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When you feed your GF as much taco bell and you can and let her shit on you after.
Bro I let my GF give me a baja blast last night.. life changing!
by leetleet666 September 24, 2023
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