"I'm gonna go take a CNN, chill out on the real."

Translation: I'm going to shit in public with many witnesses, cellphones streaming it, and then blame someone else for it especially if they are the least likely to have done it, or for instance have an entirely plant-based diet and the shit texture is completely different were it to fall out of that person's ass, and I'll be back right after I'm done.
Someone on Fox News just told me to calm down, I'm gonna go take a CNN.
by Nostradamus? Nostradamthem! November 29, 2020
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Verb. Means to: 1. Beat the holy crap out of someone. 2. Channelling aggression.
Adjective. Means: 1: State of being. To be completely fed up.
This phrase is inspired from A Christmas Story. Ralphie beats the living piss out of Scut Farkus! Scut Farkus - the bully with the yellow eyes! Instead of mumbling all those cuss words....he should have yelled, "I'm gonna go Ralphie on your ass!"
by Heather Cantrell October 9, 2008
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This term secretly means "I'm gonna go have sex"

Created by my retarded friend who asked when I said "I'm gonna go get apple juice." asked if it was a sex term.
Samantha: "Brb I'm Gonna Go Get Apple Juice."
*Samantha Is Now Offline*
Jenny: "Samantha is such a slut. She's probably gonna do it with a different guy"
Nick: "Ikr"
by Grand Master Poobah July 29, 2016
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To lash out eg: cussing, throwing items around and yelling
Vanessa keeps talking smack about me and i swear I'm finna go Gordon Ramsay on this bitch
by Godoffags February 10, 2019
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An expression frequently used by some players when recovering high in Smash Bros Ultimate
Poppt1 decides to go for a high recovery to avoid an edgeguard

Poppt1: "I'm going high!"
by LM. November 17, 2020
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this is a generation z expresion , it's used when you feel sexual atraction and feel wild for a person or action .
It's usually used it on twitter and tiktok
i'm going feral about the new photo of louis tomlinson

by goingferal July 19, 2022
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The generic comeback to any criticism of your appearance. Works for anything.
Person #1: Your shirt is tucked into your underwear. You look like a douche who can't dress himself.

Person #2: That's the look I'm going for!
by Feelgoodinc November 2, 2009
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