A specific sex move originating from a deleted scene involving Ryan Reynolds. The "Texas Hot Clap" is a maneuver in which one spanks the other's ass with a warm iron. Slathering substances on the iron prior to performing the clap has added significant sexual tension.
Anna: My signature sex move is the texas hot clap!
Sam: I'm filing for divorce.
by N0tL4me May 24, 2018
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When a women shits on a mans chest.
The kinky motherfucker asked the girl for a texas hot one
by batpenis2 June 7, 2014
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when a guy gets a blowjob by someone with tobasco in their mouth, then fucks that person up the ass.
"Man, my ass hurts- Bob gave me a Texas Hot Stick last night."
by jody May 14, 2003
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This is when a rich texan oil baron demands his fiery oil drums be emptied all over some young ho..
"Hey baby come back to my place and let me pump empty my full oil drums and give you some oily texas hot love"

To which she replied. Why not cowboy! Yeee hah!
by tomchod June 26, 2008
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When you stick your hand in a jar of jalapeno juice and begin to finger your girl friend
Yea man I gave my girl a Texas Hot Fry last night and she looked like spider man climbing the wall
by RodOfGod123 February 6, 2011
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When you take two pieces of bologna and heat them in the microwave for 13 seconds each. You then insert the heated bologna in a cardboard toilet paper roll to MacGyver a redneck Fleshlight before proceeding to pleasure yourself to a picture of your first cousin.
When I was 15 my uncle Ricky showed me how to make an East Texas Hot Pocket, I went straight home and tried it! I didn't leave my room for three days and that was only to go into town to the Piggly Wiggly and steal more bologna!
by Ricky Fitts January 24, 2019
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A girl or guy will ether step in shit or wipe her feet with shit and give a guy a foot job.
My ex just gave me a Texas hot dog.
by J/D July 31, 2009
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