the act of backing up a wall untill your penis is over your head then masturbating so you cum on your own face
by slipknotmaGGot April 29, 2009
to manually ascend a vertical surface composed of penises; used colloquially to express anger, frustration, or disgruntlement towards a peer
by julran13 November 2, 2013
"How did your date with Ming Hu go last night?" "Dude, I was Climbing the Great Wall of Vagina all night!"
by H. P. Lovecraft April 24, 2006
No the fuck you didn't you lying ass bitch. A priest too. Even the priests lie! That's what makes it hell (by the way). That's what makes them an affront to God. You're going to sit there and make shit up like Joe Rogan with the litter boxes and lie because you're a narcissist who thinks that no one is going to call you on anything. I know nobody is going to call me on anything because I live in truth but this motherfucker actually thought I was going to sit here and let him say he saw a bitch climb up a wall and I'm just not going to say anything about it.
Priest "I saw her climb up a wall."
Hym "No. You didn't. That isn't a thing that can happen and even if you did it was a hoax. The zealotry abounds! It's wild!"
Hym "No. You didn't. That isn't a thing that can happen and even if you did it was a hoax. The zealotry abounds! It's wild!"
by Hym Iam March 12, 2023