
Each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing.
Brittany used her teeth to chew her spaghetti.
by Nagragatzi December 7, 2022
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That unbelievable movie that will scare all the guys. You know, that movie where the girl has teeth between her legs and bites off various parts that make a man, a man.
That movie "Teeth" made me throw up!
by Lightboxes July 23, 2008
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The only part of our bones that we clean.
by fqgfhe October 17, 2018
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To the greatest degree or extent; extremely, completely, or utterly.
I know it takes me a long time getting ready, but nothing feels better than being dressed to the teeth for a night out on the town.
Everyone in the bar was armed to the teeth, so we felt a little bit nervous sitting down for a drink in there.
I have to say, I'm fed up to the teeth with all the people littering on campus!
by asenfan February 29, 2020
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White protrusions coming from one's gums. They are made of calcium, phosphorus and mineral salts. These materials combined are referred to as dentine. The shiny layer is called the enamel. Teeth are used in chewing food. Some people like to have artificial teeth made out of gold or other precious metals. Sometimes teeth made out of these metals are used as a status symbol.
"If I had some gold teeth I'd slay the hoz!"

"His teeth are made of made bling bling!"

"I'll knock your teeth out if you fuck with me!"
by IceWarm March 13, 2004
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I went to the dentist and I saw teeths on the cabinet.
by oh dam u smort December 9, 2018
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Those white dullish thingies in your that you use to eat , pronounce words, and have a pretty smile.
I used my teeth to bite the flesh of my fingers because Im crazy.
by Drakon_slayer November 17, 2014
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