Tabitha.....when people hear this name they may think of the TV show Bewitched; Tabitha Twitchett, the talking cat from Beatrix Potter's children's series, or the vegan celebrity chef Tabitha Brown. Tabitha is a feminine name that is a derivative of the Aramaic word for gazelle ( "טביתא", or "ṭaḇīṯā"). Aramaic is an ancient Syrian language that parts of the New Testament Bible were written in. When translated into modern English, "טביתא" becomes "Tabitha".

The name "Tabitha" is found in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, written 80-100 years after the crucifixion of Christ. In this Bible story, the character Tabitha is a widow who was always doing good, helping the poor, and making clothes for those in need. She dies, is mourned by her community, and is raised back to life by the Apostle Peter.

The Biblical "Tabitha" was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as "St. Tabitha".

The book of Acts mentions that the Greek version of this name is "Dorcas". If you're a "Tabitha", you should be grateful your name-givers didn't go with the Greek version, which sounds unfortunately like "dork-ass". Sometimes the name "Tabitha" is confused with "Samantha" or other generic Anglo-Saxon names. Tabitha is a fairly unique name, and the owner of such a name should carry pride in its uniqueness and history.
36 A woman who was a follower lived in the city of Joppa. Her name was Tabitha, or Dorcas. She did many good things and many acts of kindness. (Acts 9)
by tbbikatt April 14, 2021
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A person who is often referred to as a beatutiful girl who has an amazing body and physique. She is naturally a flirty person. She is very smart, but sometimes acts on impulse and doesn't think before she does anything. She is often regarded to as a slut because of her beauty, but that's far from the truth.
by beezy baby October 31, 2007
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The new girl who is really pretty and kind of brings people into her with her interesting, mysterious vibes. At first she seems shy but then you really get to know her and realize she’s crazy
Person 1: hey who is that?
Person 2: that’s tabitha, she just started here this semester. I was with her last night, shes crazy bad fun
Person 1: no way, she seems so quite........
Person 2: you should have seen her last night bro, off the chain!!
by Hey there:) December 9, 2019
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The brown haired girl with brown eyes, can be lazy but still can be quite adventurous, always there to back you up and does what she thinks is right.
That girl is very Tabitha.
by Strangedonut November 23, 2017
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Tabitha is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me although it did not last long. The feelings i had and still have for her are very strong and i will never forget the way she made me feel when i looked in to her beautiful eyes, and when i did my heart skipped a beat as i knew that she was the most beautiful girl in the world and i would give anything to have her back.
Tabitha beauty red AFI gone
by mad dowg December 1, 2010
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the best bestfriend in the world,funny hott and always there for you ur so lucky to have a frind like her. dont you ever let her leave you! make sur shes ur bffl forever.
im so lucky to have a tabitha
by taylor howard<3333 February 2, 2009
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The best person you will ever meet. They are kind, caring and beautiful. They make you laugh and are always there for you. If you ever meet a Tabitha, you cannot let go. It will be the worst decision of your life. They are also a rather good pair with a Flynn.
Oh, hi Tabitha!

Oh, she’s definitely a Tabitha!
by Ok I’m dying March 6, 2019
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