Since their motto is "Tough on dirt, gentle on carpet", the sex act entitled "the stanley steamer" is when you punch a girl in the asshole repeatedly (tough on dirt) while rubbing her pubic bush tenderly (gentle on carpet). Some consider this a contradictory act, but nothing shows your love for a woman (or man?) like a good 'ole stanley steamer.
by .sineP kucS I November 1, 2007
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A shit so magnificent that when let loose it undoubtedly clogs the toilet. Not only does the rank of this shit flow out of the batheroom and into other rooms...but in nearly every case in releasing this magnificent shit it leads to having to call the carpet company Stanley Steamer to have them remove the shit stains on the carpets caused by the original outstanding dump that not only clogged the toilet but got on the carpet.
"You bastard you let loose a Stanley Steamer again..Call them up..speed dial number 4 ass hole"
by Jack P Davis April 8, 2008
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The act of going down on a woman and breathing hot air on the vagina.
She gave me a Stanley Steamer and got my carpet cleaner.
by Hgswells November 20, 2019
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Stanley Steamers may be performed when you are at a friend's house to visit (eg. for a LAN party, etc.) but he's being a *very* shitty host, so you proceed to pull your pants and underwear down and rub your bare, nasty ass on one, very concentrated spot of his bedroom carpet. If he's being a particularly flagrant ass hole, proceeding to the rubbings of his bed sheets, pillow cases, and/or other miscellaneous personal belongings may ensue.
Kurt was completely ignoring all of his guests, so Chad proceeded to giving his carpet a thorough Stanley Steamer, though this wouldn't be the first time...
by sso33 December 20, 2008
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a machine that people rent after parties to get all stains out of carpets
how much is it to rent a stanley steamer, there's ash butts all over. Why didnt ppl use the ashtray?
by Dasec I mown April 11, 2006
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an act where one's partner shits on their dick and then proceeds to "Stanley Steam clean" their dick off via fellatio.
Sheila worked for Stanley Steamer for Pat last night in his car.
by Unethical Lawz October 19, 2014
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A Stanley steamer can be done one of two ways, 1) turn the AC up so it's cold in your place. Then take a shit on your victims chest. Your poo will be warm enough in the cold room to begin steaming. 2) take someone outside in the cold or camping. Con them into sleeping shirtless. Drop a hot one on their chest. Stanley would be proud.
I took Karyn camping and when she asked for the manager I took off her shirt, asked her to lie down and dropped a Stanley steamer on her chest.
by SirWonderBeard December 14, 2019
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