A mixture of both Classy style and Swag style. Used for people that like to dress in a Classy and Swaggy way. Not to formal and dressed up but also not dressed in a fashion of having swag "swagger."
Hey look at what Tim is wearing, he has swassy style.

Dang, you're looking swassy today.

Your swass is on point today.
by yezzus February 19, 2015
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a word describeing something greasy or waxy such as the substance omitted from warm cheese
eww swassy
by mstar June 26, 2003
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you use this when something is cooler then cool; fresher then fresh; doper then dope
look at all these swassy clothes!!!!!
by goallll.#9 February 6, 2009
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Jon had a swassy cause he was gay.
by Loz March 1, 2004
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The power switch/outlet combination used in panels typically found in the electrical rooms of large commercial buildings.
There's no availabe external power source, so I think we'll need to throw a swassy in this panel.
by Chopcow October 9, 2006
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Sweaty pants, shorts, or underwear after participating in strenuous physical activity. May cause uncomfortable wetness or smell below the waist.
Dude, do you smell that? It's Bob's swassy pants. He just got done with his workout.
by Precious Panties November 3, 2009
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To have a sassy swag.
That girls attitide is so swassy, she has a sass about her swag .
by Meli_Love March 20, 2018
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