One who is super, and does super things.
"Hey have you ever heard of that superhero?"
"Which one?"
"Super Buggz, shes fucking kickass man."
by glkfnkngkjnfg December 11, 2009
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A being with extraordinary physical or mental powers, far beyond the range of normal human ability, who uses these powers to protect the innocent and for the general good. They only count as Superheroes if they obtained the power accidentally, if not they all count as normal heroes. For example Iron Man and Batman's not a Superhero because they've obtained the power because they are super rich. The only Superhero is Spiderman, but only in the first one not the Amazing Spiderman.
"Henry i told you Spiderman's the only Superhero!"
by eric980816 July 19, 2013
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Ultra vegan. Eats only raw fruits and vegetables, or a vegan who only eats foods from ecologically sustainable farming. A vegan meal or entree comprised of the same. These foods are more than likely from organic farming, farmed with zero pesticides. A term used in the vegetarian book _The_Kind_Diet_ by Alicia Silverstone.
Today, I'm eating superhero.
by scrapforce July 24, 2010
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Superhero Landing is a first-ever social-media series.
Mark: He's gonna do it!
Tommy: Do what?
Mark: a Superhero Landing (create a social-media series).
by JimmyMoore March 9, 2018
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Superhero Fatigue is less about quantity and more about the kind of story being told vs. what audiences want to see. The problem is not that we have a handful of new superhero movies every year, but that they feel very similar to each other, and not in a good way. If the undeniable success of movies like Wonder Woman tell us anything is that audiences are starving for stories that break the usual pattern of superhero films.

Three patterns in particular that can be causing superhero fatigue are as follows: 1) Tone - sometimes you need the bleakness to make your point, as with dystopian novels. 2) Story - Superhero movies are often repetitive in the basic narrative structure they choose, giving us the feeling that we’ve seen that story before. 3) Characters - This is probably the core of superhero fatigue, since you can’t have a great range of stories when they’re always about the same people. Different identities bring in different perspectives and different ways to interact with the world.
“I'm hoping we'll start getting 'Superhero Fatigue here pretty soon,” Gamer On! said. “Not that I don't love the movies. It's just, come on guys, there are other stories to tell besides hyper-gonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process. It's like, oyster!”.
by Outis McGuffin April 28, 2018
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When you bust in a girl’s mouth after a month or more on NoFap.
by abbyiszyzz May 10, 2021
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A man who is entirely heterosexual, yet mysteriously exhibits all characteristics and mannerisms of the stereotypical gay male.
Dude, that guy totally sets off my gaydar, but Missy is dating him and swears he's straight. He's a classic example of a DC Superhero!
by Mackenzie "Mac" Stewart May 17, 2005
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