In Youtube: Steezy is a famous, influential youtuber who’s known for his pranks,skits, awkward dares in public and vlogs. He was known formerly for his vines. He also skates and can’t spell “minutes” correctly.

In skateboarding: when someone lands a cool flip smoothly, he’s called steezy (a combination of style and ease)
1) Person1:Hey did you see steezy’s new “falling for girls video”
Person2: yeah, the groud was hurt

2) P1: Did you see that kickflip?
P2: Yeah that was steezy!
by iramx April 17, 2019
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Style with Ease
Damn that was a steezy ass kickflip son!
by niggaliciouszor April 29, 2007
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an adjective describing someone's style, especially when having to do with snowboarding. Meaning smooth, stylish, clean and cool. Can either mean someone's clothing style, or more importantly, their riding style on the hill. One always wants to ride steezy, and to tell someone that they're trick was steezy is a great compliment.
"hey bro, that sick little 270 was lookin steezy, props."

"did you see that steezy kid in the tall tee gap that rail?"
by t-fried-rice. March 6, 2009
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Damn, that movie was steezy!
by dudeman October 26, 2004
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stylish, made by snowboarders to express how stylish or nasty a jib or air is.
yo son, that f/s boardslide 270 out was mad steezy. Like i always say be easy, and stay steezy!
by B Kizzle November 5, 2006
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(skiing/snowboarding)a personal style that may cover a broad reigon of the sport such as form, clothes, or tricks. but can cover a broad range of personal styles
may be, but not limited to hanging rag or other piece of cloth hung from back pocket.
'that guy's steezy'
by guff man November 8, 2005
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