a seventh of an orgasm. the most intese tingling feeling ever, and the best feeling of satisfaction when it explodes out of your nostrils.
"oh, dang, that sneeze felt like sex."
by yourmama675986579 October 9, 2011
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when you accidently jizz before the desired moment
shit... i sneezed before i could pull it out. now that girl's knocked up
by sneeze69 January 6, 2010
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Cindy: I am lookin' to get super fucked up
John:you want sneeze?
Cindy:Ohhhhh yahhhh
by dahpicklez December 9, 2010
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An orgasm experienced only on the face. It starts from the nose and it "cums" out so quickly from it like *squirt* and it all feels good.
I like sneezing...feels good.
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A very minimal amount of marijuana, almost dust like
Dude 1: Dude, all we got left is a sneeze of weed.
Dude 2: Its cool, with the good shit all you need is a sneeze.
by The EL-G August 12, 2010
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To be a Sneeze is to be a creep or a stalker.
by BrittanyXD November 8, 2010
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Expel snot and shit from your nostrils at 200 fucking miles an hour.
Oh fuck! That guy just put a fucking hole in my coat with his sneeze! let's fucking kill him!
by Rook November 9, 2003
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