A person who travels through a wormhole to alterante but parallel universes.
Quinn Mallory was the orignial slider. he was from San Fransico. He got killed by a rabid moneky with a laser gun.
by Butthead November 2, 2004
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A cheap and greasy hamburger usually eaten in numbers and producing stenchy gas shortly thereafter. See mighty whitey one-bitey.
Man, those sliders were good, but I think we should all roll our windows down if we want to continue breathing.
by Rolland McDollar$ August 26, 2003
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A great tv show first aired in mid 90's, starred jerry O'connell, Sabrina Lloyd, Cleavant Derricks and Jon Rhys Davis. A young student at university of SF discovers a portal to a parallell earth by accident whilst looking to create an anti grav device

First two series are great goes mainly downhill form there.
"You mean we can just, like slide through this and boom we are on another planet"- Sabrina llyods character 'Wade Wells'

Response: "No, same planet different dimension"- 'Quinn mallory' played by Jerry O'connell
by mgr5 June 2, 2005
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Hard breaking ball (curving pitch) which comes in looking like a fastball, then darts away at the last second. It is the best friend of most power pitchers in the game today.
Randy Johnson and Steve Carlton have some the greatest sliders anyone can ever remember of.
by Amaury Warfield September 30, 2005
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A big greasy shit. The type of turd that when you are finished you realize that a shower would be more appropriate than toilet paper. The type of shit you get if you eat too much Mc Donalds.
The swamp ass probably wouldn't be as bad if I hadn't taken a big greasy slider after lunch.
by Big Dundooley May 12, 2005
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the stem of a bong which contains the bowl. Once the bong is filled with smoke, you "slide" the slider out in order to clear the bong.
u better pull that slider out, you gotta lotta smoke filled up
by M feezy October 14, 2004
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