possibly the coolest nickname 2 have scinec Yo momma
" Ur silly, ur billy OKAY!
by Sexiness April 12, 2005
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(noun) a goofy man (not nessicarily named Billy) who acts gay ormetrosexual. Sometimes said as an insult but usually just as teasing.
"You're a Silly Billy With No Willy!"
by Santas Sexy Helper July 31, 2004
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A nickname for a person who's name is william and always acts like without much thouhgh to things.
"You silly billy willy what are you doing there feller thats stuipid of you.
by EndMySuffering-1 January 10, 2018
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a word in which u will not have sex, kiss, and will not dick around.(the hot chick)
wilson was a silly-billy-nilly
by bossy!!! April 17, 2007
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Seriously the maddest insult one can unleash on another, commonly used among children of two years of age.
Timmy: Oi John, Your mum's a sket.
Bobby: Shut up you silly billy poo head.
by fr1ck February 26, 2018
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Two crazy assed weirdos who just love it! Its a word to describe to best mates who ove to have fun :D
Wats ur names?

''This is silly and billy''

san na sa
by Robyn-ashley mayte March 11, 2008
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Acting loud, drunk and being idiotic
Bo Billy is a Silly Bo Billy, that fuck.
by Bobmski23 October 21, 2009
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