It's when you grab a very soggy wet waffle and then you start to rub your dick pesistantly. You then get your girlfriend to take a dump on the waffle, after this you will crumble up a digestive biscuit and squirt some cream over the top. While still masturbating you will then squirt it all over your waffle, then you will eat it, enjoy.
Oh my dayz, I went to dis shop right and bought a waffle, but wow it wasn't a ordinary waffle, it was a shitwank waffle, proper nutty bruv. Not what I asked for.
by Sick little fuck July 25, 2010
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Whilst one man is having a standard shit wank, a second man sits on his lap cowboy style and shits between his legs, whilst simultaneously jerking them both off with theirs cocks pressed up against each others
I was having a sneaky shitwank when my man lover Plunky sat down on my lap and joined me for a good ol nullagine tandem cowboy shitwank of monstrous proportions. We simultaneously owned the toilet whilst setting off jizz fireworks all of the bathroom ceiling
by Bumfluff June 25, 2014
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Someone who posts the meaning of their name found on this website on any social media outlet of their choice, forgetting to realize that no one asked for it.
Fuck dude, I keep seeing jeff post the meaning his name on Instagram! Well jeff is a total shitwank!
by NoMoreSpaggetty March 16, 2017
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N, one who wants in their own shit.
That asshole John is such a shitwanker.
by WringRaith January 6, 2018
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