Alike sexyful; sexyfulness is a guy that is super hot, gorgeous, cute, amazingly sexy.
Jamie has a large amount of sexyfulness.
by Justine Cross November 6, 2007
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a stupid adjective guys try to use to make a girl feel special; not realizing he sounds like an idiot who tryed to come up with a new word.
M (11:32:32 PM): text me sometime
M (11:32:36 PM): 555 5555!!!!!!!!!

b(11:32:40 PM): i dont have cell

M(11:32:47 PM): o shit
M (11:32:49 PM): thats rite
M (11:32:50 PM): lol
M (11:32:52 PM): k
M (11:33:07 PM): well ill talk to u later then i guess sexynesss

b (11:33:13 PM): yea goodnight

M (11:33:18 PM): haha
M (11:33:19 PM): bye
by calliesexyness August 8, 2008
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someone who looks really hot on facebook profile picture, but in real life they are butt ugly.
Sam: How was your date
nevin: The girl was so ugly, but on facebook she was hot though.
Sam: She has Facebook fake sexyness for sure than.
by qweef shady June 28, 2011
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Sexyful- someone who is good. Mistaken for successful by me lol
This girl is sexyful. I want to be a sexyful business man
by SeshClubSeven August 30, 2020
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