The man who saved comedy. Jewish Canadian-born actor responsible for films such as Superbad, Knocked Up and Pineapple Express.
Here, I wrtoe "Seth Rogen" in the example. Now leave me the fuck alone.
by SergeantNOSHIT November 16, 2008
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A gene that when injected into your bloodstream gives you the appearance of being funny even though you've said nothing funny
You: So what's this one?
Doctor: The Seth Rogen gene, it gives you the appearance of being funny even though you've said nothing funny.
You: Oh... Hey doc are we done here? I gotta grab some beers with the fellas.
by BigJ91 May 25, 2011
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Hey did you know that a lot of men in the USA and Israel have a Seth Rogen Penis?
by Excrushman June 8, 2020
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The act of throwing and breaking a glass device used for smoking marijuana, such as a bong, pipe, or bubbler, on the ground upon hearing or seeing police so as to prevent incarceration.

Takes its name from the scene in the film "Knocked Up" when Seth Rogen's character smashes his bong on the ground when he sees police cars driving in his direction.
Smoke buddy 1: Hey, what happened to your bong?
Smoke buddy 2: I had to Seth Rogen it.
by thegreatrock March 28, 2011
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My car always smells like Seth Rogen's Signature Fragrance™, so I always have to cover the car with Fabreeze whenever I get pulled over by the cops.
by Father Abraham II June 18, 2019
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1: Did you see Pineapple Express?
2: Duh! It stars Seth Rogen, a god among men!
by bluethedrummer May 17, 2018
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