A fat, drunk man that breaks into your house every Christmas. Often seen wearing red and abusing animals (Reindeer, dogs , cats, etc.) for the purpose of moving around. Often has a gang of short people that dress up in green outfits.
Did you see Mr. Johnson the other day? He was such a Santa Claus!
by OlfinSeaSquid April 22, 2018
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The code name for a pedifile that has cannot be caught because he knows when your awake. Think about it...first he watches children to see if the are being "naughty" or "nice" then on christmas eve he breaks into home in the middle of the night, leaves "presents" for little "boys and girls", eat ALL the cookies and drinks up all the white stuff then leaves with a sadistic "ho ho ho".
kid1* did santa claus come to your house last night?
kid2* i...i don't wanna talk about it *bursts into tears*
by gcgdpunk January 14, 2006
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He's making a list and checking it twice. Apparently, he'll find out who's naughty or nice.
by Sir Ryan December 3, 2006
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He is nothing but a fucked up dude. Think about it he climbs into people's houses and gives them presents for being nice ( really all kids are gonna be bad) and gives them coal if they are naughty ( which is fucked really). I mean if you come to your senses there is no way that Santa Claus is still alive. Think about Kris Kringle was born in the middle ages or sometime before that right. So how the fuck is he still alive. Either someone took his place or he is on some drugs that kept him alive all this years. The elves really? No one is elf with pointy ears. The reindeers really? First of all reindeer cannot fly. Second of all reindeer are mammals which means they cannot fly, but they can have babies. Last his retarded laugh, is retarded "HO HO HO" No wonder why no girls like him because every girl there is by calling them hoes.

Kids, if you want true joy around christmas give and be thankful for friends, family, and your girlfriend if you have one.
Santa claus needs to go to hell, because he makes the holidays fucked up and changing what they mean. I cant wait for New years.
by One little hellian November 18, 2017
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A fat make-believe man that is very stupid and brain-washes all the kids to believe that he owns the North Pole and gives all kids presents on jesuses birthday and makes all the kids think about everything but jesus
by 223s908 December 4, 2019
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Fat old teleporting man which breaks into houses via the chimney (who knows how in apartments), steals cookies and milk and leaves behind boxes wrapped in paper
"Who's Santa Claus?"
"Oh, he breaks into houses on Christmas and leaves behind presents"
by notarealperson111 December 7, 2020
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A large man in a red suit who hates Jews and all other non-Christians. Santa Clause is a rampant consumerist and breaks into houses for milk and cookies.
That fat-fucker Santa Clause didn't leave me any presents because he is intolerant.
by N. Bading November 19, 2006
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