a pill that can be bought on the internet through random hrbal dealers. Is said to be made out of "herbal supplements", but is actually a large quantity of pure DXM. Great for recreational use.
I wanna robo trip, sell me some snurf.
by Travis Cardono February 21, 2006
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surfing the Internet while you're supposed to be having a conversation on the phone.
I was on the phone with my girlfriend the other day and she caught me snurfing because she could hear my Yahoo IM sound alerts.
by Agent 74 November 11, 2007
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A mispronunciation of the word "Smurf"
Guy 1: Jesus Christ, you look like a fuckin' snurf!
Guy 2: Hahaha, La-La-La-Fuck-Yourself!
by ArcticSkeleton February 1, 2017
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When you laugh while drinking and it comes out of your nose.
"Dude I was drinking my millk and Timmy told this hilarious joke and it came out of my nose"

"Brah you totally snurfed"
by KnockingDevil May 13, 2016
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A snurf is a person who farts in the bathtub or similar water-filled area, such as a pool, and bites the bubbles as they rise. Normally, it is implied as an insult.
Your such a snurf, Jeff..
by TheJew72 October 9, 2004
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Surfing for information about a specific person in a snooping manner on the internet. Often from google to wikipedia to facebook, or any combination of other sites.
I know my ex is snurfing me because she shows up in my facebook top 10 all the time.
by Shamus McCrary May 17, 2011
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A pink drug that can be bought on the internet by your Uncle or another family member, and then given out to 4 of your close friends in the high school bathroom.

side effects include: Dinosaurs, pencils sporadically bursting into flames, and a long night in the hospital.
"Are you snurfing?"

"Got snurf?"


"Yo we snurfin today?"
by SNURFER! September 10, 2008
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