Just a whale. A huge Whale
“Look I think I see a whale!”
- “No that’s just Ryland”
by Ya OI December 30, 2020
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When you go to a party, get extremely hammered, and throw up in all the places the host specifically asks no one to throw up in.
-"Dude I totally pulled a Ryland last night and threw up in the middle of Dylan's deck and all over his brother's room"
-"Didn't he specifically tell everyone to not do that last night?"
-"You need to get your shit together, man"
by Collin Charisma March 2, 2009
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Someone who becomes so shit faced from alcohol they immediately morph into a fucking retard. They will break all of your shit.
Yo did you hear Ryland got so hammered at Henry’s that they put Cocoa Puffs up his ass! Looks like we gotta cancel him.
by Ben Dover Formee September 15, 2019
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A total drunk who can’t handle himself and becomes a burden to everyone. He will break all your shit.
Yo that kid Ryland got so drunk he passed out butt ass naked and got fucking cereal shoved up his ass. They said he was cancelled.
by Ben Dover Formee September 15, 2019
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Plays water polo and baseball his bfs skates and hunts. He sucks big shlongs and has a shmite chode and sucks at fortnite.
Ryland sucks at fortnite
by Nerdloc etan April 22, 2018
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He sucks at fortnite, takes steroids to look buff, gets mad at everything, loves to argue when hes wrong
man ryland we got 2nd place in fortnite, we couldve won if you didnt suck at shooting
by pizzazeke February 13, 2018
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1) A white man who most likely loves anime

2) Speaks only Japanese
That Ryland is always watching them shows
by Baka69 June 19, 2018
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