Raegan is a beautiful and weird girl she is a daredevil but not rude she hates drama Raegan is a friend you can't live without
Hey Raegan

You look nice"
Thanks Raegan
by Maddox Girl87 April 17, 2016
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Raegan's can be big bitches and sarcastic assholes, but they also can be the best person ever. They have great personalities, They catch every guys eye.. Most have the booty. They are fabulous people and great dressers. Raegans will always catch your eye. They suck at cleaning and are very lazy but if you ever need anyone there for you then Raegans are the way to go. Most Raegans have long hair also the prettiest ones have big blue eyes, and blonde hair. They are very flexible. Don't play a Raegan because she will never forgive you. They don't play with bullshit so don't start drama. Raegans are very forgiving for the most part. Raegans are always laughing and smiling. They are very conceited but sometimes they aren't and they just need to be told there beautiful. So if you see a Raegan go up to her and tell her she is beautiful and start a good conversation because she wont. Raegans will never disappoint you. They are GREAT in bed.
"omg have you seen Raegan?!!"
by anonymous1231001 March 21, 2018
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A Young Playful And Outgoing Person(: Its A Name For Boys Or Girls But This Way It Is Spelled Differently. (Regan Raegen Are More Common) All The Raegans I Know (3) Are Very Loud And Happy People. They Love To Make Everybody Happy :D
*Person 1* Im Sad Today :'(

*Person 2* Have You Talked To Raegan?

*Person 1* No..

*Person 2* Go...

*Person 1* But Bu-

*Person 2* Go Godammit.
by Snorlax c: July 25, 2012
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the most awesome person in the world. she's sexy as hell and loves to have fun. every girl wants to be here and every boy wants to do her. she's a bad ass and could take down anyone.
dont mess with me, im a raegan.
by asdflj November 21, 2010
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a lovable young woman who's playful and outgoing. She gets over fights easily and is very lovable and cuddly.

She also is a very intelligent woman who is beautiful in every way. inside and
out. She loves people and looks a bit like Alicia Keys.

A Raegan helps people in need
by Triple A battery February 20, 2009
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A name for a girl who is very sweet and an amazing best friend. A Raegan is a blessing in your life. She is gorgeous and kind and very smart. Many people assume her name should be spelt Reagan but it’s Raegan.
Raegan is my bestfriend and my blessing.
by CassN August 23, 2018
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Raegan's are usually people who are fairly relatable. Raegan's usually are into the whole goth, emo, scene, etc. attire. Raegan's usually have a different taste in music such as rock bands like Bring Me the Horizon, tweny-one pilots, Nirvana, etc. Raegan's have a cool sense in style and are really good at makeup and anything artistic. Raegan's are good friends and are always truthful.
Person 1: That girl is so cool and relatable.

Person 2: She's definitely a Raegan , look at her wardrobe have you ever seen anything with color?
by hotdogsrgood May 19, 2016
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