A derogatory term started by Australians to describe recent British immigrants. There is no proof that it had to do with the acronym Prisoners of Her Majesty. It is more likely that it was an abbreviation of the word pomegranate and referred to the flush complexion of Brits (like a pomegranate's flesh) or it was chosen to rhyme with immigrant (like "Larry Flint").
Hey look, it's white trash, two pommies and a yid.
by Nick Graham July 27, 2005
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Low life bags of shit from the UK.
Mostly travel in packs of backpackers and drink beer untilt hey spew in the gutter. They never bathe and have foul potty language and are tightasses - favourite foods beer and curry.
by Comatose March 26, 2004
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Supposedly, this is a strain insult. Let's put another shrimp on the barbie.
Strain: dumb pommy, we bite yow at rugbuy!

Pom: oh, what are you going to call me next? Ros bif? Limey? hahahaha ahahahaha!
by Gumba Gumba May 29, 2004
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pommy is the nickname of lori pommier - who is the most amazing, funny, talented, epic choir director in the entire universe!
"Man my choir is awesome!"
"Yup, ever since Pommy became our director it's been epical!!"
by pommy fan June 25, 2012
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Washing only the most inimate portions of the anatomy in the hand basin, as opposed to a shower or full bath. Name derived from the british tradition of avoidaing becoming cold by fully declothing and getting wet in a cold climate. Also a time saving measure.
I was running late for work so I had a pommie wash and splashed on a bit more aftershave.
by Annie's Mum November 11, 2009
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Australian slang.
see pompommybastard
Derogatory term.
Very effective at upsetting Englishmen during a cricket tour of Australia.
Frequently appears in major Australian newspapers during these tours.
Shut up ya pommy bastard!!
by gladi July 11, 2008
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English slut. Derogatory term originating from Australian slang.
That pommy whore will root with anyone who has two legs and a glass of plonk!
by Miss Swiss January 18, 2011
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