a funny word used to describe people. because it sounds funny should be used as much as possible
man, that guy is such a damn pinkle!
by dude May 19, 2003
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Pinkle (adj.) description of anything involving a lack of common sense. Often used in a situations that relate to sexuality or contain an element of suspicious behaviour.
"what is that pinkle stain on your dress?"
"tastes like pinkle"
"I really could go for some pinkle about now"
"shut up you stupid pinkle!"
by Alyssa Claire Teague Jacko November 2, 2005
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pink tiny nipples synonymous with white chicks and lactating mammals e.g. dogs
"he asked if he could lick my pinkles"
"the premature puppies suckled from their mothers pinkles"
by Compt.De Vasselot February 28, 2009
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jeremy took a really long pinkle in a bush after a long nite.
by better off April 20, 2006
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When your buddy takes some weed before he gives you the bag you paid him to buy
"I'll just go ahead and pinkle a nug for my efforts"

"Man this bag seems light, that dude is such a pinkler"
by Grocerilyst May 22, 2022
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Referencing to those large pink pimples on peoples necks, you just help but want to pop them while standing in line at the grocery store...Pro Activ Please.
Did you see those pinkles on Matt's neck this morning, d$%^ they were big.
by UknOWme2oo9 May 7, 2009
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To scam or defraud someone via message board, email or IM. Can also be used to describe a liar, thief or assbag.
"Is this for real, or am I being Pinkled?"
by AnonSM June 27, 2005
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