To work for a long time to get a sexually stubborn girl's panties, unsuccessfully, only to have another man come along and seal the deal in a much shorter period of time. This is often due to the first man getting the female's "juices flowing" and the second man profiting from it. This series of events is similar to someone working very hard at getting the top off a pickle jar, unsuccessfully, only to have a friend come along and pop the top off almost immediately, thus pickle jarred.
Charlie: "Dude, it's been like 3 months already! Tell me you finally got the panties from Jenny."

David: "Dude I wish I could, some juicehead douche from her gym pickle jarred me!"

Charlie: "All that hard work!"

David: I know dude, I know
by malle122 October 17, 2010
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party house, place where pickles rule, spontaneously expressive chill spot. etc.
of or relating to tables, food, and friends. and deckle.
Jack: "hey, lets go chill at the pickle jar"
devin: "definitely, man. it's the place to be"
by Lil Jacky. May 29, 2011
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A Pickle Jar is the name given to bear while camping in provincial parks. It is necessary to have an alternate name as some provincial parks in Ontario have strict rules about alcohol being permitted at all or for specific days of the year.
Pickle Jars and empty bear bottles make the same noise when being clanked next to each-other, making Pickle jars the perfect code word when needed.
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The male need to be manly and 'do it himself'. Not always a pickle jar.
Fred: damn, this door is stuck.

Lisa: let me try.

Fred: no, I got it.

(door slams into his face)

Lisa: should have let me. The pickle jar complex always backfires.
by Xina Serene February 5, 2012
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The person that every man wants to be. Every man fights over the opportunity. They are the one who opens the pickle Jar when no one else can.
Person 1: Why is Larry so happy today?
Person 2: He opened the pickle jar yesterday and became the pickle jar hero.
by Ijustateyourmomscoochie March 26, 2020
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In order to perform a Kentucky Pickle Jar, one must have access to Churchill Downs on the first Saturday in May. Following the completion of the Kentucky Derby, one must locate the winning horse’s stall. Collection of the winning horse’s fecal matter is mandatory. After aforesaid feces are collected, one then locates a southern belle. Once the requisite southern belle is located, one must take the previously collected fecal matter and smear it nice and thick on the southern belle’s labia. Immediately afterwards, one must locate a frozen pickle; the crunchy variety is highly recommended. Take the frozen pickle and repeatedly plunge the horse fecal matter into the southern belle’s vaginal orifice. Congratulations! You have now created a Kentucky Pickle Jar. Tell your mom; she’s sure to be awfully proud.
Bryan was getting a little bored with Rebecca in bed but he loved her very much. So he decided to spice things up a bit by calling her Norma Sue and having her call him Cletus. That wasn't nearly enough, so he figured he'd perform the Kentucky Pickle Jar on her. She's into some kinky things, so it wasn't surprising that she loved it! Unfortunately, she decided to attempt to snowball him after all was said and done. She missed! Rugh roh!
by felonious_84_ April 28, 2010
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The strained look on one's face while trying to open a pickle jar lid (or similar lid) which requires exerting substantial force. This look is often displayed by males when experiencing intense concentration during a sexual performance.
When Randy was caught having sex in the backseat of his car, he prominently displayed pickle jar face as he pumped the girl with determination.
by Trucker Ass October 11, 2007
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