The act of turning someone into an ostrich
ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize = Ostrich hopefully if i say it enough you'll understand ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize ostracize
by Bagel-B0y November 29, 2022
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A extremely large cock that is about 30cm long and when you have a boner it is 30 METERS LONG.
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to exclude, by general consent, from society, friendship, conversation, privileges, make fun of, ect.
"The other girls ostracized her because of the way she dressed."
Girl one:"You see her dress?"
Girl two: "Yea its way to short and ugly"
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Alexander Higgins, a free sample hating bastard
"Ostracize him, he hates free samples"
by Atarus Star March 28, 2007
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to have erotic sex using multiple different 'toys' such as hand cuffs, whips, chains, birch rods, ect.
"I am gonna ostracize your mom."
by Tiger Lilly November 19, 2007
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word combination coined by Australian TV Presenter Rove McManus in his program Rove Live, in a segment about Googlewhacks.
by Ditfos August 6, 2003
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