a mexican who constantly acts like they are better than anyone else and wears seemingly fancy clothing.often also acts like a loree
that kid is such an ass. what an ortega
by assy mcsluttyballs December 23, 2009
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A signature move when a male is lying on his back jerking himself off with his legs extended towards the ceiling and his ejaculate is captured into a glencairn by his male partner to provide tasting notes.
I can't wait to get home tonight to try The Brad Ortega with my mate because I have been eating brussel sprouts all day!
by BRabbit70 June 17, 2023
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The prettiest, most flawless female to exist on planet Earth.
'Jenna Ortega is the most beautiful actress Ive ever seen.'
by bendoverbbg April 17, 2023
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Jenna Ortega is honestly the most beautiful amazing drop dead gorgeous brilliant dazzling bewildering, appealing, delightful, elegant human to walk the planet inside and out she is just terrifyingly perfect
Person 1: Did you hear that Crumbo got married?

Person 2: Was it that "Jenna Ortega" girl?

Person 1: Of course
by Angry_Salad February 1, 2023
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She's an actress that appeared in movies/series like, Wedensday, Stuck in the middle, Scream, X, yes day and the fall out. She is now 20 and her birthday is on September 27, 2002.

Also I can't wait for Wednesday S2
You: How would you describe Jenna ortega?
Me: The most perfect human to ever exist??

I love herrrr
by stanolivia March 6, 2023
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Gumaro Ortega is always the biggest hype man for himself. Can usually be found ripping up the streets in the fastest car you've ever seen no cap! Calls out everyone to a race in his orange mustang he calls Garfield with grandmas milk and cookies on the line, but everyone is scared of it. He has a little Pene but some how has the biggest pelotas from driving a top fuel s550.
Everyone needs them a Gumaro Ortega!
by SpaghettiReady November 25, 2020
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Valeria is a funny intelligent person.She is a hard working and loves to party hard.She likes to smash with adults and children over 13.She will make you laugh and in class she could be a nerd but she could be a giggle box during class.She will have lots of boyfriends and she will decide who to marry.If you had a boyfriend in 4th grade then you would be lucky becuase you will keep having them to the next level.But Valeria is curios likes to learn different languages and she is caring.she could only spell 1 rumor but only that happens when she is jealous.
by Valeria Ortega July 13, 2018
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