noun. The word 'nobo' is a habbo word. It is a bacon headed noob who goes to adoptions and adopts children. Note, these children are VIRTUAL and actual players. This all goes on at habbo. Nobos also are seen holding children screaming and acting worse than the nobo is a pedophile. If a child is perfectly happy and cannot be turned into a sad child, a nobo picks the kid up, and BAM! the kid is screaming bloody murder. Nobos are mixes of hobos and noobs. Perhaps they were once bred, long a go. Oh, also, they CANNOT roleplay to save their lives.
Nobo: *dis hitx u now* *u diez*
Troll: Hahaha GTFO.
Nice man: Hahahaha GTFO NOBO. This is a 5+ roleplay and you spelled every word wrong. Also, 7+ line deaths. Stupid.
Troll: What a NOBO. GTFO.
by trololololing troll June 3, 2011
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The Nobo is a shadowy figure which roams the streets at night, never eating, never sleeping. With no mouth, only wide, gaping, unblinking, black eyes. It slinks through the gutters and back alleys, consuming your soul with a glare.

The Nobo's wail pierces your inner thoughts, clouding all cognitive ability. All you are capable of doing is watching in horror as the dark figure encompases your soul.

the Nobo's wail can be heard only in your head, and, alas, is the last thing you will ever hear.

The Nobo sees all.
"Hark, here there be tracks of the Nobo."
by Team Michael December 17, 2009
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A negroe that would be homeless or a hobo if he didnt have a woman (usually a non-white woman) to live and mooch off of... he has nuthin in his name i.e. lease, car note, light bill...finds low self esteem women and tricks them into letting him in their home by wearing borrowed J's and a fake gold chain...
Look at Chauncy pushing the grocery cart like he gonna pay for all that food himself...been living off Becky and her EBT card..ol nobo a** ni**a...
by Sound of a Clock Ticking December 3, 2018
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a slur for nonbinary people because there aren't enough slurs in the world
look at that goofy ahh nobo. they're weird fr
by brubfish October 6, 2022
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This is the most inspirational phrase to ever be said. It is said that once one heres this they ascend to the heavens out of gratitude.
The word must NEVER EVER EVER be capitalised or it is an insult to the hen nobo squad.

Invented by someone who cant spell ❤️❤️
"hen nobo"
by BONESTHEDINOSAUR January 2, 2023
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