A slang abreviation for Grenade.

Often used on online FPS games.
Bill threw a 'nade into the bunker, the enemy tried to scramble away before its 5 second fuse ended... BooOoOOoM.
by 25p January 27, 2006
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A common term used on online multiplayer games for "grenade"
Those plasma nades are pwning me!
by Joey L. July 8, 2005
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pronunciation: nay'd

Short for grenade. Can also be combined with adjectives to describe different types of grenades:

Smoke nade: Grenade that spews smoke when thrown, typically carried by covert ops for the purpose of concealing their movement.

Frag nade: The 'frag' can waither be taken as fragment (aka shrapnel) or frag as in kill. The frag nade is your typical grenade for the purpose of killing.

Flash nade: When thrown, this grenade gives off el muchos lightos, blinding the enemy. Some variations of the flash nade also make a loud bang to temporarily deafen the enemy.

Rifle nade (or riffnad): Grenade attatched to the end of a gun (typically a sniper rifle without a scope) that can be launched a short distance and explodes on, or shortly after, impact. A primitive grenade launcher.
Hurry up and throw a smoke nade so we don't get shot!
by enjuneer October 5, 2003
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Short for Grenade, and used with many of the same meanings. The one I see missing is "A short bottle of Mickey's". They are short, round, green bottles of cheap beer that vaguely resemble a grenade.
Yo, 'nade me. To translate: Hey man, toss me a Mickey's.
by Qjedi December 11, 2006
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Nade is a common term for the word grenade in video games. It is also used as a username for the people with the worst aim.
Nade is a terrible player OMG.
I am currently nading A site.
by FanboyNade April 21, 2020
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an explosive; hand grenade; or any other type of explosive that could potentially kill you in a video game or in actuality. Nade, in gaming, refers to a grenade (fragment, flash bang, smoke).
"He just got owned by a nade"
by JDWG March 24, 2008
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