the equivalent of a beard, except for asexuals
"It's so obvious that he's asexual, that she's clearly just his moustache"
by sarcastasticnostalgia August 23, 2011
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A hidden collection of something in high volume; (usually referring to sexually explicit material or narcotics).
Don't let the kids open that drawer cuz they might find MOUSTACHE.
by Ashley G October 8, 2003
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more commonly known as mustachio... a festering grown of lip hair.... bum fluff
yo momma has got a moustache o_O


i swear her moustache was breathing o_O
by Neil November 15, 2004
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something black and hairy above ur lips
Sushil's got a thick moustache ndeed!!!
by sushil elias February 10, 2005
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How a Tool spell the word mustache
GUY 1: My Lord Reginold, I believe I want to grow a moustache.
GUY 2: Hey toolshed, there's no O in mustache.
by rossman4eva96 April 7, 2011
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Facial hair between the upper lip and nose usually alvaros have it
Hey alvaro used to have a moustache because
we forced him to shave it off
by asder March 9, 2009
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Usually in reference to homosexual men, a female a guy will be associated with, or even pretend to be dating, in order to create the illusion that said homosexual is straight.
Keiron was in a town where he would get his ass beat in a way he didn't like, so he brought his moustache susan around with him everywhere
by MixBlender September 17, 2007
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