The feeling you get just before you show off your rock fingers (devil sign) \m/
Some people like to scream out the word when they do that sign.
Candice: Metallica Rocks!
Tash: MOKEY! *Rock Fingers*
by Anonymous69 September 9, 2006
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1.) a common misspelling of monkey

2.) annoying little meanie child

3.) a nickname you give to friends, enemies, and random people
1.) *texting* girl: hey i want a pet mokey
guy: don't you mean monkey?

2.) "man, my little brother is such a mokey!"

3.) "hey, what's up mokey!"
"nothing, how about you! did you see that mokey the other day?"
by C.J. the Mokey Girl August 25, 2009
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its a balls word that katie made up and thinks its better than meshuggah.
katie : i made up a word, 'mokey'
me : thats bollocks
by dave February 13, 2004
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Sr Pelo's creation on youtube for his series mokey and friends

He has the catchphrase OH BOI
mokey muse:OH BOI IS CHRIMAH
by novamus October 5, 2017
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Literally, "okey-dokey". From a Simlish phrase uttered by a voice in the computer game "The Sims 2".
by Thor, eh? June 20, 2007
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Where someone has gotten "beasted" or as you say "OWNED BITCH" it goes in several ways.
(i think it was originated by african americans.)

Duuude..-The dude got mokey loped. Totally.

Ni%%a!- that ni%%a got mokey loped like mad shit YO! snoop dawgy dog.

ROFLMOKEYLOPEDOMG- You just seriously got mokey loped
You: "Ya know, the guy got so fucking Mokey Loped"


by KRATOSGODOFPOOP March 29, 2010
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originated in kent(England) in the Faversahm Herne Bay area. can also be shortened to 'Fo Mo'. Has two meanings one as a mild insult instead of Mo Fo and the latter, a version of the hokey kokey involving jazz hands and wiggling of hips.
jemma you fo mo!!!!
yo, fo mo!
i hate him he's such a fo mo,
lets do the fokey mokey you fo mo,
by Martin March 29, 2005
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