Guy: Hey girl, you ready to do it? *whip's it out*

Girl: WOW, Now that's a Merle
by sumyung April 18, 2010
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Merl is a Content Creator from the UK who is known for streaming Fortnite on Twitch.

He currently has over 100,000 subscribers on YouTube!
Hey look! Merl posted a new video!
by FortniteBR January 16, 2021
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A term used as an insult.
Somewhat like the word jerk.

Guy: "Hey, you wanna go get laid?"
Girl: "No, you're such a merl!"
by Erika Elite Tx March 16, 2008
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When a dog or cat is sitting and they raise their hind legs so that their anus is in direct contact with the carpet and then use their front legs to drag their ass around. Sometimes it leaves a stain.
Fido just merled a nasty stripe on your mom's new carpet.

The cat is merling at least a dozen times a day, it may be time to hit it with a shovel.
by mcgillicutty April 5, 2003
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A polite way of calling someone haggard. Based on the name of country music icon Merle Haggard.
"It's Monday and this bar is full of merles, we should have a good chance of going home with someone tonight."

by mc oroville December 1, 2005
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Merle (m-url) is a rare mammal species long thought by scientists to be extinct. Although the merle physically appears very similar to human beings, it is genetically closer to an orangutangue. A merle was recently discovered living amongst humans in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Very few studies have been conducted on this Merle as it becomes enraged when approached by scientists.
Why are you attacking me!? You're acting like a Merle!
by Mimfucker April 25, 2008
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looking or feeling wasted or exhausted; as in "haggard".
I felt merle after I pulled the all-nighter.
by potreroist July 2, 2012
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