recovered enough to think clearly after sex (particularly applies to men)
From "coitus" (you know, sex) and "compos mentis" (able to think clearly and be in control of and responsible for your actions).
Kylie: Oi, are you coitus mentis yet? I want to go shopping!
Jack: Huh?
by adriancccc May 19, 2015
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It is replacing the derogatory word RETARDED. Only because of liberal pricks that cant mind there own business and think that they have to baby everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DUDE that mofo so menty-capped!!!!! YOU where so menty-capped last night!!!!! I FUCKED her so hard it was menty-capped!!!!!
by Dude2121 May 6, 2011
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The oldest local sorority in the south, running forty years strong. The only local sorority on the Rollins College campus, it broke off from Pi Beta Phi in 1969, forming in 1970. Girls of NCM strive for individualism, leadership, and building resilience in young women. While often mocked for not being national, and, at the time of it's forming, breaking off from a national organization, the girls were said to be "out of their minds." Embracing this, the ladies of NCM named their sorority, "Non Compis Mentis" (modified), the Latin for "Not of Sound Mind."
The women of Non Compis Mentis are not your stereotypical sorority girls.

-"Hey John, did you see that sorority, Non Compis Mentis? They don't have a Greek name..."
-"Hells, yeah. Latin pwns."
by Human Being #6498237192 February 8, 2010
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Of latin origin literally meaning:
Not having control of ones mind, or being totally unique and the sort of person who makes you laugh
"Oh my god, he is suffering from non compos mentis but still kinda hot in an unstable way"
by Beefa July 27, 2007
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You lied on my name as I did you. I'm in love with the man that you repesented, not who you acted like!
Je voulais goûter vos larmes, se sentent, vos bras, et d'entendre votre journée evey voix de ma vie. Seulement pour découvrir que vous étiez un pur produit d'une entreprise fictive de votre propre âne.

To John doe: Vous avez menti ans sur mon nom, je vous fait. Je suis en amour avec l'homme que vous repesented pas qui vous a agi comme
by passiond'uneâmedemonamant November 15, 2009
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The menty is the jamacon word for light the cannon you might say my lighter is menty its real use was in the bombs the Jamaicans mad with the fuse for wall defense or on the sea with throwbal cannons that explode
Light the menty spliff its been outdated for a thousand years
by Shazha September 24, 2023
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short for mental,basically kids that think that are cool but end up being super cringe
carol:should we add brian to the mentys group he wrote gyatt on the board
by V3RA October 22, 2023
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