(In football/soccer): to beat your opponent in a one-on-one contest by tapping the ball between his legs and running around him before he/she has realized what happened.
"Look at Michael go! He's megged 4 people straight!"
by adr[ii]aninho October 4, 2006
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A sweet girl that everyone loves to hang out with. They always have the best laugh!She's a jokester, who's not afraid to do a silly dare if given to her. Meg's are beautiful on the inside and out but they just don't realise it. Sometimes they're too busy thinking of what other people think them, which causes them to be sad. Meg's have the best laugh and they are always there have for you in tough times and happy times. They make the best friends in the world! Meg's are always up for a chat and will stay up late just to talk to you. So whenever you see a Meg, try and become friends with her or you won't know what true friendship is!
Person 1: describe your best friend

Person 2: she's beautiful, has the best laugh and is sooo funny
Person 1: she must be a Meg!
by Travelxx September 1, 2015
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Meg is the type of lady you'll very rarely come across. She is a one in a billion and you'll never ever want to lose her. Treat her correctly and she'll be yours forever. She may initially be shy but when she opens up to you, she'll be freaky.
Friend #1: I met 'Meg' the other day.
Friend #2: Aw dangit, I'm so jealous, she's a keeper.
by YeetKekCronk October 14, 2018
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another way of sayinggo for it
‘hey, i don’t know if i should go for that job interview. what do you think?’
ya man, meg it’
by camisqdo March 31, 2019
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meg is the type of girl that you rarely come across. Once you meet her you will probably either fall in love with her or become her best friend, everybody loves her! She makes you fall in love with her and when you feel like you have her she slips away out of your reach. A meg will usually have gorgeous hair and pretty eyes. Megs usually find it hard to open up so if they do you must mean alot to them. They are also fiercely loyal and will do anything for the people that mean the most to them in the world. They enjoy alone time occasionally and are independent people, however if given the chance they are great fun at parties🥳 she is a strong wonan and doesnt need anyone but herself, she doesn't need a man and usually she wont want a man. Once you meet meg you wont be able to forget her, no matter the time distance or space..
Person 1 : you see that girl? Wow..
Person 2: she must be a meg..
by Brentikollie May 21, 2020
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Leggings for men. They have become increasingly popular in the fashion world and on the streets of major cities. Apparently.
-"What the fuck is that guy wearing?!"
-"Meggings. My boyfriend just bought some."
*collective shudder*
by MommaElla September 12, 2009
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