Mikel is one of the hottest guys you have ever seen. Amazing at everything he does, except being in a relationship. They don't lose their first kiss until they are 14-16.
Girl 1: OMG! That guy is so hot...

Girl 2: Yeah, that is Mikel
by wedemboyz243 January 25, 2017
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mikell= something or someone large and unstoppable
after Quentin Mikell, the Eagles safety
If you want to get in you'll have to do a Mikell
by ewokPatina March 25, 2008
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A great sense of humor a great friend and an AMAZING dancer everyone wants to be her friend
Mikel is AWESOME
by Dancer C April 15, 2019
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The definition of a perfect human she is all around amazing and she has a sharp personality but a warm heart and ur lucky to get her❤
Dang man look at Mikell she is so nice
by Cheerxm March 15, 2017
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Any type older teenage male with a tendency to gravitate towards girls at least three years younger in situations involving alcohol.
"wow she was only 14 you fucking mikel!"
by Rodrigo Da Silva December 19, 2006
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A guy who has a very large bum however hates subject like math and chemistry, however this is a small price to pay for such a huge arse #nohomo.
Mikels tend to be obsessed with cars, Specifically JDMs which can lead to a unhealthy amount of time dedicated to watching car porn which can have side effects like homosexuality, corona virus and even death.
Due to this, his favorite movie is cars 2, made by disney pixar, as it has that fit woman car thing whatever her name is.
They may also possess an addicting obsession with Marwank as they are rare to find in the western world and thus are worth mucho money on the black market.
All in all Mikels are very nice guys who are in love with cars but are a little gay.
BRO 1: Oh yk Mikel?
BRO 2: yhyh the one who is a little gay
BRO 1: yh him i caught him wanking off to supras

BRO 2: bro thats weird
by Marwank April 15, 2020
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very picky , dramatic, petty, sassy, and very bossy, especially in group projects like food stuff ````
mikel says " listen,listen,hey guys " guys say " what " mikel says again " listen"
by phphphpph March 22, 2019
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