The act of sitting or laying in the same spot, preferably a couch or recliner, for an abundant amount of time, then proceeding to fall asleep in it.
Matt: "Hey Barth, what are you doing?"
Barth: "I'M LOAFING"
by SkattMiba August 16, 2012
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can't beat a bit of the Loaf on a late-night drive home
by TomD4Eva April 30, 2008
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when a fat cat sits laying on it's stomach with it's paws tucked under them-they look like a loaf of bread

a lazy person who sits around all day on their couch
i.e Lady cat you're loafing!

i.e What are you doing today?

Ehh I think I'm just gonna loaf today in the apartment
by Loaferdoodle June 6, 2009
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This is another word for chill, or relax. The most awesome fucking synonym for those words you will ever hear. It will make you wanna LOAF.
Person 1- Sup dude, you never texted me back the other day.

Person 2- Sorry man, I was too busy loafin!
by Punglejizzcakes August 29, 2009
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Used mostly by hockey players, Word used to describe hair.
Ek: Whats with the hat? The Flyers are dog shit bud.
Boomer: I know, I know but the Loaf's lookin pretty dry today boys.
by AD#9 December 17, 2018
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