A splendiferous creature that leaves a trail of pink glitter in its wake. Has been known to have fairy-like features and attributes and a voice that puts angels to shame. Its beauty cannot be described by text-only definition.
"Son, your mother is such a Lizzie. I love her."

"Dad, do you think I'll marry a Lizzie when I'm older?"

"Of course, Son. Every good man deserves a Lizzie."
by fourfinger5s May 20, 2014
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She is a smart and beautiful girl! her smile lights up an entire room and she has a lot of junk in her trunk. if you have a bestfriend Lizzy you are so lucky. she is so trustworthy and a sweet girl. she has so many friends. she can be a sexual tease for sure. she is flirty and sassy but in a relationship she is loyal.
guy 1 "You know Lizzy?"
guy 2 "Yeah we talk a lot"
guy 1 "You are so lucky."
by Iloveyoualways13 December 28, 2013
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the most amazing best friend that you will ever meet. She is always frowning so you'll think that she is pissed at the world, but when you break her out of her zoned-outness (which is a lot) she will give you the most gorgeous smile even shown to mankind. She is loyal, kind, honest, trustworthy, loving, caring, wise and HILARIOUS. There is no one on the planet like her and she is yeah, just the best thing. Besides her amazing personality, she is short, black, beatiful and you just wanna hug her all the time! If you find said Lizzie, make sure that you treat her like the princess that she is because anything less than that will earn you a face-breakage.
Hey do you see that amazingly beautiful girl over there with the incredible smile?
Yeah dude, that's Lizzie, never ever let go of her
by youknowme2014 December 31, 2014
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A beautiful, intelligent, loyal girl that has the world at her hands. Lizzi's are very athletic, as well as musically inclined. Lizzi's are God's greatest gift to earth. Not to be confused with the awful Lizzy, or Lizzie, Lizzi's are creative and hillarious. Lizzi's are among the world's most elite.
Man, you're really good at everything! If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a Lizzi!
by allthatandabagofchips37 August 12, 2011
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A pink, perfect attendance pencil thief, possibly smuggling pencils into Canada.
"Lizzie, that's MY pencil."
by Igotchubaby January 31, 2020
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a lizzie is a very enthusiastic female with lots of friends. everyone loves her and wants to be her. never mess with a lizzie. sometimes gets down but always seems to be able to give good advice.
by __letspartyyy July 20, 2009
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