a hot sexy midget who is humanity's strongest soldier. he also has a weird cleaning addiction. he is best husbando.
Oh my God, if only Levi Ackerman was real.
by baguette_sticc January 9, 2021
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Levi Ackerman is a feisty but hot dude who enjoys cleaning and beating the crap out of anyone who disagrees with him.

His friends Isabel and Farlan died so he resorted to hanging out with 17 year olds instead because maybe he was desperate.

He’s short but has massive talent and power so watch what you say in the presence of the Mighty Heichou.
Hailey: Hey, you know Levi Ackerman?
Albert: Yeah, what about him?
Hailey: He’s mine Albert. Don’t even try.
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A really fucking short lil shit who has no emotion and loves to clean.
Levi Ackerman is a real buzzkill.
by aRandomPotato69 December 20, 2015
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Daddy material.

Mr clean.
5'2 but it do not matter.
Loves to beat up angry teenagers.
Person 1: 'Did you see Levi today?'
Person 2: 'Yeah. He's hot asf'
Person 1: 'And super daddy material'

Levi Ackerman: Humanity's strongest soldier.
by leviscumbiscuit November 10, 2020
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Levi Ackerman is a 30 something year old man whose friends all died so he is forced to hang out with 17 year olds. He is sexually attracted to cleaning supplies and Erwin Smith. Maybe also Eren Yeager but that's illegal so he keeps it on the down low. He grew up in the hood so he a strong little birch. His eyebrows look like twigs but its cool.
"Hey did you see that 30 year old possible pedophile in the park hanging out with those young kids in the park?"
"Yeah why was he caressing a bottle of Windex?"
"Yeah I think his name was Levi Ackerman"
by allisonistrashh August 29, 2017
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Hot ass dude that’s in his mid 30s with a sad pass.

Loves to clean and loves amazing No matter what he does.

Loves to beat the shit out of people (Expecally teens)

For some reason some people call him daddy. 🤢
OMG!!!! Have you seen blah blah blah of AOT?!?! Levi Ackerman is so hot in that one seen!
by OnlineAnimeFreak March 24, 2018
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Levi Ackerman is someone that I would allow for him to kick me like he did to Eren Yeager.
“Levi Ackerman please make me your maid, I shall clean for you everyday.”
“Levi Ackerman likes to clean.”
by Kirruaahh November 1, 2020
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