to be knocked with someones cock
Frodo likes to be knocked with big hairy male cocks
by anarki May 24, 2004
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To be knocked with a cock
Jimmy was being a cow, so he got COCK KNOCKED !!!!!!!
by wankstain May 31, 2004
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when you squat over another persons face and spread your ass cheeks while they are passed out and also punch them in the balls which results in them lifting their face into your anus and possibly your balls too if you can get the technique right
Bobby passed out and i had to cock-knock him
by G.G. L.B. May 10, 2006
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To recieve a blow (usually to the head) for wronging another for some reason.
Mr. Robinson made a crude joke to his master and recieved a prompt cold cock knock to the face sending him flying across the room.
by Cowking May 31, 2004
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While you're walking through the house, something smacks you in your dick...something awful! You've just been "cock knocked"!
I was walking through the living room, when all of a sudden, I ran into the desk...Man, was I ever "cock knocked"!
by AANDZ September 15, 2011
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To be so surprised/astonished/amazed/intense that your cock is knocked off.
That tentacle porn will knock your cock off.
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