The perfect guy. Dirty blonde. Brown eyes. Tall. Cutest smile. Usually shy. Loves girls with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.
Kade is amazing.
by Mickey. November 26, 2014
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One of the greatest people you will ever meet. Attractive with a big build and large muscles. Very smart and loves physical challenges. A bit of a show off sometimes but its all in good fun. Loves his girl more than anything nothing goes before her and Kade will do anything for her. Golden blonde hair, blue-green eyes and an amazing smile. Loves to tease and joke with his friends and the people close to him. Always down for a good time and loves to party.
Wow that guys hot!
Ayy! That's my boyfriend Kade!
Eyy! That’s my bestfreind Kade!
by Thebassssssboi101 November 24, 2018
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A type of person who does nothing wrong. never swears, litters or sins, Always smiling no matter what the occasion.

Jordan: Oh my god! you never litter! you're such a Kade!
by Dale O'reilly August 17, 2006
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A dumb pretty little baby with the largest heart who needs to be protected and cherished at all costs.
Oh wow, they are so cute!

That’s a Kade right there.
by lovpoem October 31, 2019
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An incredibly compassionate human.

Someone who wants the best for everyone

Kade is a best friend.

A chill person, who is heckin neat and honestly an absolute sweetheart.

Trustworthy, you can tell them anything!

Loyal! Kade always has your back!
They're such a Kade!!!

I want to be friends with Kade!

Kade is hella awesome!
by MarySanderson August 14, 2019
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Kade is a beautiful person with dirty blonde hair, and grayesh hazel eyes. They wear glasses or contacts cause they can't see much. They are one of the best people to be around. They will be a dork sometimes but it's hella adorable. They also talk bad about themselves when it's not true.
Ugh , Kade I love you but for the last time you ARE NOT trash.
by TheGayestLesbianFangirlxx August 4, 2017
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