A phonetical form of j/k meaning just kidding. Often used in common day speech to make fun of the word j/k.
D00de listen. I'm your father
by Carter SN October 2, 2005
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a short hand version for "just kidding" used by those who can't type well. It is often verbally spoken by people who think that it's cool to sound like a moron.
Well, I did yr mom last night. J/k, lol. Ow, all this high-level thinking's makin' my brain hurt. Gtg, see ya l8r.
by Fatass February 13, 2003
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Your a noob you dam tker, and I am not j/k'n.
by Joe January 9, 2004
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j/k is common'ly used on most internet based chatting advocates it means"just playing,or just joking"playing aroundmostly used in forums or online games.someone says a de`meaning sentence to some one and after 3 seconds, after the other person is already steaming with anger the offender types i am j/k its really stupid in my opinion but it will never fail to be typed, sometimes said outside of the web'.
guy1:hey dude your moms such a bich and a big slut,you wanna know who your dad really is?".


guy1:j/k hahaha.
by Linux_guy October 3, 2007
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verb, When your 'cool mom friend' inserts details into her stories of the past to make her appear more woke than she is.
Example: "I told you about the time I walked with MLK, haven't I?"

"No, because you weren't alive yet, did you really just J. K. Rowling?"
by foundinthedark March 28, 2019
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