THE SHITTEST MOVIE EVER, classsed as a "horror" film, it has nothing to do with horror, it's just people getting chopped up like animals. The first hour or so of the film is pure sex (amsterdam for ya), the next hour is spent in a torture house with people getting tortured by evil surgeons who have nothing better to do. The things that happen in the beginning of the film have absolutey NOTHING to do with what happens in the end, and you will be left confused with a headache. There is only one plus side to this movie - the guy who stars in it & stays alive is EXTREMELY hot. I was hooked on him-not the movie. Dont waste your money. Seriously!
watching hostel IS torture.
by Lola* March 30, 2006
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Hot Older Sister That Everyone Loves
Guy 1: Yo, dude Jane is hot.

Guy 2: Yeah man and she's got a HOSTEL!
by hotoldersister June 4, 2017
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The temporary dwelling of the common human subspecies: The Backpacker.

Other inhabitants include adventure-seekers, digital nomads, Gap Yah students, and the insatiably curious. The wild Hippie is also frequently seen here, often identified by their Thai fishermen pants.
“I’m happiest in a hostel. The happy hours never end. And no one judges my comfy Thai fisherman pants.”
by jack035 November 24, 2021
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When you and a group of friends are staying at a youth hostel, and you take out your nutsack and drag it across your friend's face while they are sleeping (note, this is only not gay when you're at a hostel).
Person 1: Aw man... Why does my face smell like balls?
Person 2: Because dude, I hosteled you last night!

To Hostel
by vinny mcshane July 22, 2009
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verb: to torture or beat the crap out of someone. Most likely derived from the movie of the same name.
Shutup before I hostel you.

If you keep acting like that you're gonna get hostelled.
by JimmyP2003 January 9, 2006
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in a country town, at the only senior high school for abour 2 hours, the place where kids who live to far away for buses to reach stay. Typically considered skanks, dress in very short, tight clothing. They can be called lesbians as they share small, open spaces without adults for an entire year. Never respected, or appreciated. Slightly unintelligent and usually do not pull the guys.
"look at that hostel, she is such a slut - i heard she got rejected by 6 guys on the same night!!"
by omgitsbex January 2, 2006
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Maybe the world's most fun, entertaining and sizzling party-hostel. Located just south of La Jolla, Pacific Beach and the Mission Bay in San Diego, CA. OBI Standing for Ocean Beach Int'l hostel, it's the place where not just (the majority tho) int'l travelers but also Americans party and have an awesome time staying.
SD tourist: Dude, u got a plan where to crash in SD?
SD'an: Hells yeah bro, go check out the OBI hostel down in OB. It's about a block from the beach and its pier. Make sure u don't wanna sleep in on sunday mornings since they give away champagne for free- if u want some or not:)
SD tourist: That's what I call a good day's beginning- let's go there! Plus I need some practise on my kegstand-skills too;)
by Stiffmeister February 3, 2005
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