inserting ones penis into a vagina i.e got laid. can also become very p.c. and be used by homosexual men.

hangdown being the penis
stinky being pussy or anal canal
yo the milf come over and gave me stinky on the hangdown.
that hairy cowboy sure gave me some good stinky on my hangdown.
by hamrhed May 11, 2006
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See Definition for pants-off dance-off
While at my cousin's house, we found ourselves naked. Then the music started. So we had ourselves a hangdown hoedown.
by captain fartpants March 24, 2016
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A sure sign I got lucky. You can still smell her on that dangly between my legs. A badge of honor.
I'll get some wine in her belly and some stinky on my hangdown. Yea, doggy.
by brock landers January 12, 2005
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After having anal sex, the stink from the girl's ass that remains on your weiner. I've found that scrubbing with a brillo pad is the best way to remove said stink.
Yo Tressler how did last night go?
- I got some butt stank on my hangdown!!! EI EI
by Miller September 17, 2004
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