The act of Goveing, likely the deed of stabbing a close friend or ally in the back then acting like it never happened followed by swiftly moving on. A deed closely linked with those known to be a propper cunt.
Goveing: "He's a propper backstabbing Goveing cunt him"
by C.O Median July 1, 2016
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A particularly budget cocaine that is the only 2% pure, 3% rat poison, 30% laxative and 50% Novocain. Difficult to stomach and prone to making you talk shite. Typically found on the streets of Westminster. Too much may turn your hair piss-yellow.
What you looking for? Got some high quality primo stuff”

“Nah I gotta take it easy tonight, have a budget committee in the morning, just give us a Gove”
by TomatoDude June 9, 2019
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Backstabbing Tory git - Nickname 'Gover'
To be 'Govered' - New rhyming slang for 'To be fucked over' See Boris Johnson v Michael Gove re: Brexit
by Billy Bags July 3, 2016
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A fat cunt who likes kids he is an absolute prick and a twat I want to punch the little shit head in his ugly stupid smug face overall a stupid mother fucker
by …?! February 21, 2022
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Biggest piece of shit to come out of the 20th Century. The prick decided that teenagers needed even more stress by getting rid of nearly all course work and taking away books being allowed to be taken into English GCSE'S
Michael Gove decided to place a shit ton of unnessecary stress on top of already unstable teens by reforming the GCSE's
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