Godfuckers are trollish little uneducated boors that "believe" in "god", on the basis of no evidence, statistics, or even precum.
Godfuckers are STOOPID
by Jacques Asse January 15, 2010
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A person who abuses or refers to holy scripts and/or god(s) to promote unholy cause by finding texts in the scripts to justify aggression, abuse of power, and unwillingness to listen to reason or other opinions.
Also persons who profess that a god (Allah, Yahwe etc) has told them that they are on a mission sent by that god.
World's #1 godfucker: G.W.Bush
The world's best known godfuckers are GWB, Osama bin Laden, Jerry Falwell, Ann CDoultre.
Most evangelical Christians and neo-cons are godfuckers.
by shonny March 5, 2007
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An adjective to describe something that disproves the existence of god.
When Galileo discovered the moons of jupiter proving that the earth was not the centre of the universe. That was a godfuck.
by Plonki August 8, 2010
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A person who abuses or refers to holy scripts and/or god(s) to promote their unholy cause by finding texts in the scripts that they use to justify their aggression, abuse of power, and unwillingness to listen to reason or other opinions.
Also persons who profess that a god (Allah, Yahwe etc) has told them that they are on a mission sent by that god.
World's #1 godfucker: G.W.Bush
The world's best known godfuckers are GWB, Osama bin Laden, Jerry Falwell.
Most evangelical Christians and neo-cons are godfuckers.
by shonny March 2, 2007
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A more intense version of "fucked". Useful for situations when you are so fucked, it is almost as if God himself has come down from the heavens and pushed your shit in.
Person 1: Shit! Our engine died and we're in the middle of nowhere, with no way to call for help!
Person 2: Damn, we're Godfucked!
by fuck_a_username September 20, 2020
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someone who fucks god, literally. if someone claims to be god and someone else fucks them, the fucker is a godfucker
damn, i guess you're the bitchboy and she's the godfucker?
by godfucker's bitchboy April 18, 2021
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