A celebrity, for whatever reason or reasons, who adheres to a gluten free diet and lifestyle. The celebrity might have celiac, think that the lifestyle wards off autism or cancer, be wheat intolerant, have a sympathic diet to one close to them who is gluten free, or simply embrace the weight loss effects of short term gluten freedom.

Plural: gluten free celebrities
Some examples of gluten free celebrities are:

*Zooey Deschanel, movie actress and a gluten free celebrity, gfc

*Jane Swift, first female governor of massachusetts, is a gluten free celebrity, gfc
by realestatesteve August 7, 2009
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All those idiots that haven't been tested but think a good allergy is a fashion accessory
I spoke to the gluten free cunt at the counter

Wanna knock the rest of her good teeth out
by sunny as fuck February 10, 2017
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Gluten free taco or GFT is used to describe the vagina of anyone who is, or looks like, they are on a gluten free diet.
"Normally I don't go for one night stands, but the appeal of her gluten free taco was to great."

"I bet she has a gluten free taco"

"She got kicked right in the GFT."
by Rawkyjohn February 26, 2016
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When the dancer tries to give you lap dance but she has no cake.
Bitch had a flat ass, that lap dance was gluten free.

White bitches only give gluten free lap dances.
by Normcock Hitchdonald February 28, 2017
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Another kind of kush.

It is ebola gluten free so you know you are not dying.

Definition: When someone is dying to get some kush or weed.
ebola gluten free kush

A term widely used by a dj and producer "ZAXX"


Greg: Hey, I got that hook up for ebola gluten free kush.

Jason: I'll take some!




A term widely used by dj and producer "ZAXX"

ZAXX: Do you like ebola gluten free kush?
Random Chick: Its the best kind.
by WhereTheyAtTho September 24, 2014
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So your dick will stay intact when you are receiving a strippers lap dance
Gluten makes your dick fly off so with these gluten free lap dances you'll stay intact with your women pleaser
by Hooter180 February 8, 2017
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Oh fuck, the crumbs, they’re everywhere, it’s a fucking desert. Oh god have mercy on my Gluten Free soul
by Shrivelled Dried Corpse May 24, 2021
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