Glits is a minor setback.
What about the winner You played last race? Well, You see there's a glits. How so? I forgot to place my bet.
by The Rogart August 3, 2009
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pure crystals of methamphetamine (ice, meth, shard).
All chemists seem to make glit nowadays for a living...
by malachie November 1, 2005
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short for glue and shit.

a meal or casserole of unknown ingredients.

consistancy of glue and shit
honey this meal tastes like glit!
by wearegolem August 27, 2003
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When a gunt becomes indistinguishable from the clit, in extreme cases, they become conjoined, rendering the females reproductive organs useless.
''Jesus Mickey, it's a stage 10 gunt, I never thought I'd see one!''

''No Tommy....that's a glit.''
by Gunner IRE April 4, 2009
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interjection - Used to express extreme displeasure.
by Baruchhhh February 7, 2007
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A female who wears excessive amounts of glitter which causes lots of glitter to fall onto the female's breasts. Instead of saying she has glittery tits, she has 'Glits'
"Wow, that girl has some really nasty glits"
by mcflyhigh1200 January 10, 2012
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A gurl or possibly a homosexual male, who feels the need to draw more attention to their bust by sprinkling magical sparkling dust (Glitter) on their exposed chest-ular region, thereby capturing the attention of everyone within a five mile radius. Glit-tits often wear extremely low-cut shirts, but get angry when people look at their chests.
guy: Did you see Glit-tit today??
other guy: How could I not? She yelled at me for staring at her chest, again.
by fiendstir August 19, 2009
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