To Fuck up a movie, or series of movies.
Werewolf: Man, from what I read, they're really going to George Lucas the Hobbit up. Frodo wasn't even born yet. I don't to see him.
by Theedingo1 March 23, 2011
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A beard grown to disguise a double chin.
"That George Lucas really helps define your jawline. Without it, you'd look like a potato."

"Um, thanks."
by John Superman December 6, 2013
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To completely forget how marketing and consumption works.

As in forgetting that what made the original Star Wars great was that is appealed to everyone, of all ages. While the prequels are precision tailored to 12-year old boys with mental handicaps.
Damn it Steve! You completely George Lucas'd the inventory. Now we our revenues will go down the shitter!
by Tanaka December 17, 2004
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Money-grabbing bastard and founder of lucasology. Also has an organism (many believe to be Jabba the Hutt) growing off his chin.
Share your money, Steve. Dont do a George Lucas on me!
by macez November 8, 2006
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A once talented director whose success with the Star Wars films has driven him completely insane.
Twenty bucks says that in ten years, George Lucas will be living in a cave, saving his urine, not cutting his fingernails, and trying to kill himself with a plastic lightsaber.
by little geek July 2, 2005
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The greatest man Alive.
He created Star Wars and many other famous movies.
I personally think Star Wars are the best films ever created and I think George Lucas is the greatest man Alive!
by Spiko January 5, 2019
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