substitute for the term gay; meaning stupid, unfair, annoying, and all other inappropriate uses of the term gay (barring the homosexual or happy definitions of gay)
That assembly was gax to the max!!!
by Georgette Bushe April 30, 2004
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The words gay hax were combined into one, which made gax.
Example 1: WTF? Nice gax.
Example 2: WingZero is using gax!
Example 3: OMG GAX!
by [SeF]WingZero August 30, 2006
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Used when talking rubbish to someone jokingly.
by PuffDaddy March 29, 2016
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A word that can mean whatever you would like it to mean, but generally it means to receive anal sex.
"Damn last night I GAXED way to hard by all those guys in that dark ally."
"Am I gay if I like to GAX?"
"I want to GAX max in the ass!"
"Can you please pass the GAX."
by Thegaxmaster October 31, 2011
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The rip of wind you excrete from the excruciating, unbelievable and unexpected pain from getting waxed.
Gas, released from a wax.
"Dude, yesterday when I was getting waxed, I gaxed so freaking bad. The fearful gas lingered in the air!"
by TheStare April 6, 2016
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a green sticky form of diarrhea that drips out and gets stuck in your ass hair. Then quickly dries forming a crust that you wont know about until tomorrow morning when you get in the shower
When I went to take a dump I wiped my ass but nothing was there later I found all the crusty gax in my new leopard print silk boxer.
by coolwhip23123123 August 30, 2008
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A term for when you're unsure if some one is gay.
I wonder if he's gax?
by lee kridgi tom sam April 10, 2006
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