Garden State Plaza. One of the best and largest malls in New Jersey, it's size increases 100 square feet every year.
Only in Garden State Plaza will the dollar menu transform into the $1.40 menu!
by ptown June 17, 2005
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Short for garden state plaza
Where most scene kids of north jersey hang out because there is no where else to go.
Look for these marvelous sceneters in the food court or outside of exit 15 smoking
Scenester 1 : OMG! are you going to gsp tonight?
Scenester 2 : no, im going to the BMTH show.
by blahdiblah August 22, 2007
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-(unisex) Get some play
-(male) Get some pussy
-(female) Get some penis
Yo, bro, that's one sexy chick. Gsp.
by RedMan25 March 8, 2010
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Girl: "Aye you going to party tonight?"
Guy: "Hell yeah! bout to gsp!"

Girl: "Hey lets hang out tonight"
Guy: "Nah, Ive got a midterm tomorrow. Bout to late night gsp"
by rosl October 19, 2012
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Garden State Parkway

it runs the length of new jersey, exits numbers go by mile (higher numbers in the north), and gives most jersey kids their only sense of geography.
hence the joke (which isn't used as a joke here in jersey, its asked in all seriousness) what exit are you?
nobody really calls it the GSP. that confuses people. its just, the parkway.
by ndawg July 29, 2004
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Get Some Pussy - Acronym

As men we can’t provide our fellow brothers with VIRG embarrassment by discussing PRIVATE matters freely. Therefore use this to speak in code to hide the embarrassment or make fun of a 5 foot simping ass no coochie havin ass bitch boy
“GSP Bro, like fr GSP” - Fellow Sex Haver
by spizzaz876 June 25, 2022
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Global Smash Power. Can mean 2 things:
1. Your online rating at a character in SSBU, which is calculated POORLY.
2. Prostitution count from several countries.
Person 1: My GSP is like 2 million... Kinda sucks...
Person 1: You're that bad at Smash Bros?
Person 2: ...Yeeeeaaah... Smash Bros...
by KelTheMaster September 30, 2021
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