A licence through which anyone -- yes, even you -- can hop on the open-source bandwagon by transferring ownership of your product to the Free Software Foundation.
"Didn't you once have a home?"

"Yeah. It was nice. But I had to do it! I released my life's work under the GPL! Screw the system!"
by Arcpibtn Meaas November 10, 2004
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A G.P.L. is a Good Potential Liar. See, I am the Queen of GPL's so I know exactly what I mean!
Wow, look at the Superior Miss over there lying straight in that cop's face. He know she was speading but she pulled a SHAGGY and said "It wasnt me" she is such a GPL
by Superior Miss January 2, 2006
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Apparently it stands for "Genuine Pussy Lover" ie. lesbians or bisexuals
Dude, that girl is a GPL don't waste your time.
by T.E. October 20, 2005
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GNU => God's Non-profit Undertaking
GPL => Great Prosperity & Luck
The GPL is one of the many great projects of the GNU towards the betterment of mankind. The GNU is the basis for much of the good in the software we live in today, and the GPL is means by which this goodness permeates our lives, bringing only prosperity and good luck to everything blessed by the GPL license. Together, they form a holy unison which we simply call, "GNU GPL."
by Bad C dev May 17, 2022
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Gak Pake Lama, an acronym that means you won't bother to wait
by Sir. B November 13, 2021
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