A beautiful surname that is usually made fun of because of the resemblence of the word f*ck. Focke is pronounced fo-key
Jill- Hi Dan F*cke
Dan- Its Focke. Pronounced Fo-key
by TOPAZ JEEFERJOF June 7, 2016
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D4 version of fuck, v. exclusive. Made popular by Ross O'Carroll- Kelly, a rich mans fuck, some might say....
I live in, like D4? and I basically have, like Fockloads of cash....Oh My God! get away from me you focking skobe these are new dubes!
by Robert O' Connor-Keavney April 7, 2005
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Sticking the index finger into the anus of one's partner, simultaneously making a high-pitched beeping sound. Usually done without warning.

Trivia: When Meat Loaf sang "I would do anything for love, but I won't do that," he was referring to being focked.
"When I focked my boyfriend last night, he totally farted before I could say 'beep.'"
by cononsanonts September 15, 2007
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1: a form of substitution for the word fuck.
2: the way a person with a specific accent says fuck.
1: Son of a fock!
2: For fock's sake!
by Cuban Guy December 30, 2015
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It's fat and cock mixed together, making fat cock
Jimmy: Suck my fock
Ronald: tf is a fock
Jimmy: my fat ass cock lmfao
by Lucky_im_gay May 8, 2021
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